Wednesday, March 29, 2006

a word about generosity

Monday was was my friend (and your's) Kevin's birthday.
Knowing that he's recently discovered a certain musical artist that I've long admired, I planned on giving him a gift directly from my own record collection. (I so seldom listen to records, so I really felt like giving a couple away in the name of musical edification was a good thing)

So I wrapped 'em up in snazzy green paper and went off to practice, arranging to meet him later. I went out to my car in a total rush, with an armful of musical equipment along with the present.

At this point my memory goes blank.

I went to the bar to join the celebration after practice and to my horror, the gift wasn't anywhere. I looked under every seat, between the cracks, it's not still at my apartment. It's nowhere.

My only guess is that, in my hurry, I placed the gift atop my car while I rearranged the jumble of stuff in my arms.
And then I drove off.
And now the records no longer belong to me, but they aren't being dug by my friend either.

So, if anyone happens to spot a green pacakge shaped like a 12 inch record cover somewhere between Trumbull and Prospect St, let me know.

Otherwise, enjoy the Moby Grape, anonymous citizen.

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