Wednesday, November 02, 2005


What's more annoying than Pitchfork?

When Pitchfork is right about something.
Like the new XTC song that comes with a new box set of already-released material.
You can hear the new song "Spiral" here
At least Pitchfork's review is well written and thought out and not full of sarcasm, irony and little else (like they usually are)
I guess now I have to reserve my hope for a GOOD new XTC song the same way I hope for a an amazing new, say, Pete Townshend, or even Cure, song.

This would be a perfect time for Andy+Colin to remind the kids who Franz Ferdinand's, the Futureheads' etc etc daddy is. But alas, we get this.
Second listen: song is still weak, but I like the the two guitars jabbing at each other.
But what's up with the "Smells Like Teen Spirit" drum fill all over the place? Are those even real drums?

I complain because I care.

There's just not much here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Never mind Teen Spirit drum fills, Brian. Liste to the way the word "spiral" is sung, then imagine the line goes "She said I know what it's like to be dead." Oh well. It's still a better song than many. But I'm not gonna go buy the box.