Monday, January 05, 2009

Language is a Virus - A New Review of A Telephone Built For Two

I came across this review of A Telephone Built For Two and I'm wondering if anyone knows for sure what language it is in. My guess was Portuguese and the translator tool seems to work OK with that. Here is the direct link to the site to see if you can pick up any hints: The Crystal Lake: School for the Dead.

Here is the text as written:
O início deste A Telephone Built For Two tem uma sequência de 3 canções que logo fazem do álbum um must-listen: "Periscope", "Feel Like I Should" e "This Time It Looks Good". Para esse disco, os americanos do School For The Dead reuniram influências como They Might Be Giants, Fountains Of Wayne (um dos integrantes do fountains participa em algumas faixas desse album) e até The Kinks!. A Telephone Built For Two é excelente para começar um domingo, até mesmo para pegar a estrada de manhã, sem preocupações, deixando apenas se levar pelos versos inocentes e pelas melodias juvenis.

Afinal, a gente não vive do jeito que deveria..

1. Periscope
2. Feel Like I Should (lovely song!)
3. This Time It Looks Good
4. Journal of Lies
5. Save My Place
6. Back To School
7. Boring Dream
8. Disgruntled Lover
9. Map
10. Superhero
11. Thinking of a Time
And here is what the Google Translator suggest for Portuguese:
The beginning of The Telephone Built For Two is a sequence of 3 songs that just make the album a must-listen, "Periscope," "Feel Like I Should" and "This Time It Looks Good." For this disc, the Americans of School For The Dead together influences as They Might Be Giants, Fountains Of Wayne (one of the fountains of the members participating in some of the album tracks) and even The Kinks!. A Telephone Built For Two is great to start a Sunday, even to hit the road in the morning without worries, leaving only be carried away by the melodies and verses innocent juveniles.

After all, we do not live the way they should ..


Mizuhara said...

Hii!! I'm the author of that post =]
I'm brazilian, and the text is in Portuguese ^^

By the way, great album!

Henning said...

Thank you very much, Mizuhara. Not just for the nice review but also for commenting here.
