Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Blank The Blank, Blank the World.

You ever have that feeling where you feel like you are too busy to do all the things that you want to do, but then when you think about it you realize that you are not really doing anything to make you busy?

Maybe we shouldn't have watched the entire first season of Heroes over the past four days.

1 comment:

Dennis Crommett said...

i hear you. i'm a personal fan of the quickly tidy up the house, then forget the internet exists and remember that it doesn't matter at all anyway, then remove anything that involved the word "should;" then you'll be free of responsibilities and can sit on the couch with no sound around you and stare into space; then, you'll be free to pick up the guitar and play one beatles song sorta poorly but it's fun anyway; and then you'll finally be free to sit and spit a song out onto a tape recorder or play a fun game method.