Wednesday, February 07, 2007


i.e. various things.

1) I woke up from a dream with this phrase--in the dream it was delivered by a holy character at a funereal:
"The secretive own you dearly--and vice versa" (i.e. "the dear own you secretively")


2) Anyone heard me on the latest Pernice Brothers album? Well, not REALLY me, but my Rogers snare (which has been PART of me since it was purchased as a 16th birthday present at Daddys Junkie Music in Salem, MA in 1988). I still can't tell which song or songs it's on, but I rekon I'll be fixin' to find out.

3) As I've stated before, I dig it when my worlds collide--library and music. Like seeing Ken on a Mammals CD that I'm delivering. Here's something else very cool:
I meant to mention this before, but local rocker/teacher/artist Katy Schneider has illustrated a really, really cute children's book called "Once I Ate a Pie" that has been popular in the library world. Doggies. Get it for your kid/niece/nephew etc.

1 comment:

Rick said...

Hurrah for Katy! And did you know the author of said book is also a local? She's another neighbor of ours here in Williamsburg.