Wednesday, October 26, 2005

It's All About Me

1)I'm ready for my close up. Scott Brodeur interviewed me last week, mostly while I was out west. Most of these answers were written either just after I got up or just before I went to bed. I had fun. We're all having fun.

Interview Link

2) Thank You to Kate of Red Door Exchange for saying in the Advocate
that her favorite local band is The Figments.


Anonymous said...

1) Brian, I read the interview and have new-found admiration for you! You're funny! I guess I've mostly just seen you at shows, where, behind the drums you don't say much (at least not that I could hear..)

2) I know the Figments are playing as part of the WRC weekend, but do they have any other gigs planned? And where would I see it posted? Here? They're one of MY favorite bands, too.

Mark Schwaber said...

I too have new found admiration for you. You're not even remotely funny. And this whole time I thought you were.
Seriously, great read. And many thanks for mentioning my blog thingy.