Nice interview w/ Mark Schwaber at this link.
Since he mentions that he reads this blog, I'll communicate with him through here.
Hey mark:
1) I love Easy Lover by Plil and Philip too. I always loved in the video how suddenly they cut to a live drum sound, while they showed Phil recording the drum track. It made me wanna play drums "wow, they sound so noisy and raw in person!"
2) Can you believe Johnny Damon today in the Globe basically admitted that he and other players use amphetamines to get through a season? I guess they are legal, but it just seems so old school. "Sure test me for steroids, but maybe not for speed"
1 comment:
Hey man,
Thanks for reading. I know exactly what you're talking about with the smashing drum section of that video.
I haven't read the Damon thing yet but seriously, the biggest problem in baseball (drug wise) are uppers. Guys have been taking them for years. "Greenies". Remember Freddie Sanchez? Now in Pittsburgh. That guy looked like he took 7 of them every half an inning.
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