Thursday, August 30, 2007

MySpace update

Every so often, I aim to upload some new listening material to the SFTD myspacemusic page. To begin with, I've selected our one-off cover of Dead Milkmen's "Punk Rock Girl" from a live performance at The Elevens in Northampton in December 2005. It's a fairly frenetic version featuring Henning taking the original lyric of "If you ain't got Mojo Nixon/ Then your store could use some fixin'" and localizing it to "If you ain't got Ray Mason/ Then your store could use replacin'." Nice work.

Additionally, there's a live version of "Omnivore" from a live-on-the-air performance on WMBR in Boston from September 2004. Some aggressive shouting by Henning and me in the bridge plus Brian's wacky and whack-y drummage highlight this version. Nice work.


1 comment:

Dennis Crommett said...

wow, those are both such great recordings. i love your singing on "omnivore" henning, it's aggressive like you said, tony; and that's a great cover for your guys, the dead milkmen one. i'd never heard it. nice!