I tried to fix it the other day. I very carefully removed the teeny screws of various sizes, I gingerly worked the lense back into it's original position but the motor still can't seem to grab onto it. The camera will do nothing but struggle and beep.
It's possible, I suppose that I could have it repaired. But this is the thing: it was already showing other signs of aging anyway. It liked to turn itself off and on at seemingly random times - lots of which were right when I was ready to take a picture. It also sometimes would refuse to take a picture at all, as some of you out there who patiently held your smiles for way too long might recall. It even sometimes had trouble with focusing in some situations where it shouldn't have.
But, I'll miss my camera. I really liked it. I'm going to try and get a new one as soon as my finances will possibly allow. But, I've been making some other larger purchases lately (more on that later) and it's an tricky time to have to get a new camera.
Anyway, wave goodbye to the camera and by all means, if you'd like, go over and visit my gallery, click on "full screen sideshow", put on some Neil Young, or Chopin, or Acetone, and reminisce.
We had similar problems with our camera at the end of last year. I ordered new rechargeable batteries and now it's working good as new. Sounds like your problems are worse than that, but sometimes it is an easy solution...
You are such a great photographer, you need to get back in the game as soon as you can! My family offered to get me a camera for Christmas, and the way I shop, I should have one by July or August. Help me pick out a good one and I'll let you borrow it whenever you want!
Same thing happened to me, but in my case my son kicked the lens off :(
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