Thursday, December 22, 2005

The New You on Rhapsody Radish best of 2005

Hey, look School for the Dead's "The New You" is number 49 on the Rhapsody Radish's top hundred of 2005. I don't think they are actually in any order so the 49 doesn't really mean anything, I guess. But, whatever, dude.

It looks like a really good playlist. Those of you with Rhapsody might enjoy it. I plan on listening to the whole thing tonight. Here's the link so you can see (or listen to) the list: Rhapsody Best of 2005

You know, looking over this list, I gotta say, it was a good year for music. Things are looking up. Bands are starting to take over again - bands with people who actually write and perform and sing their own material. Bands with a sense of self. I think the internet has a lot to do with it. It is the new grass roots movement that's giving people a voice again. Sure, TV and most Radio Stations have been bought up and taken over by the man, but the internet, in all it's chaotic glory, still gives us a little freedom to seek out the things we want, rather than the things THEY want us to know about.

Anarchy! On such a winter's day!

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