I've been a fan of Harry Nilsson for over a decade and have never seen any video of him singing. I found something on Netflix once but it turned out to be one of those crazy lip-synching 60's weird shows. Here, he is just sitting with an acoustic guitar and singing.
If you do watch the video make sure you stick around until the ending. It gives you a glance of Harry's sense of humor. How can you not like that guy?
Here's the link: Harry Nilsson "1941" .mov file
UPDATE: Ok, so I just explored the website/blog where the above video was posted. It's a crazy treasure trove of amazing video footage. Brian, Ken, and Tony, hold on to your socks! There's stuff there from The Peppermint Trolley Company, The Bee Gees, The Clash, and way more.
There's also another Nilsson video. This one is for "Coconut" and features folks dressed up as gorillas playing the song. One of the gorillas is hitting a coconut with a wooden spoon. That part is definately live, since there is no way he could mime the crazy off places where it hits. But at the same time the vocal is multi-tracked Harry and the piano player is miming. They must have recorded the coconut part live while the others were miming and then mixed in that sound.
Anyway, rush on over to bedazzled.blogs.com and see for yourself.
1 comment:
I think Harry is all 3 gorillas. There are other songs on that special where there are multiple Harrys.
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