Hey. I just completed an email interview. I'll tell you more about it later, but one of the questions was really hard: "If you won a mystical contest to become a member of any band in history, which band would you chose and why?"
I already wrote my reply. What do y'all think? What would you answer?
Okay, I realize now I'd be a terrible interviewee because I'd ASK: do you mean, like Brian interpreted it, what actual person would I become to be a part of the band that the person was a part of OR would I get to be myself just mystically allowed to be part of the band I choose? 'Cause for me, if I was to become a different person, I would choose one of the intense performers from the sixties who went beyond: Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison. To know that intense pain and passion come through me as music. But, if I was to be myself as a member of a band, I might choose something less potent but more enduring, like a member of REM or, heck, yeah, the Rolling Stones...
Right. I read it as not becoming a particular person, but as becoming an extra member of a band. Interesting.
I'd have to say, in all honesty, Tony Westcott in Humbert with Ari Vais, Paul Pelis & Henning Ohlenbusch. Towards the end of that band, we were essentially pulled apart by having very different goals and aspirations. But I looked forward to each week's practice. Whether I was greeted with a typically fantastic new Ari or Henning song to work on or I got to hear how those wonderfully creative partners of mine would masterfully arrange great parts to my own nascent song ideas, or we would blast through songs from our repertoire or just rock out to some riff, it was to the best of my recollection, always musically amazing. Our live show audiences didn't quite get the same thing I got from our practices, for a variety of reasons (not that we were bad live; on the contrary, I think we sounded quite good most of the time) but when it was just the four of us rehearsing, arranging a new song, or just jamming, I can't imagine enjoying the experience anymore if I was in The Beatles or Husker Du or The Velvet Underground or any other famous band I admire.
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