Because we will be playing music and won't really have any sort of dressing room, it needs to be something quick, versatile, and easy to move around in and sing though. Any ideas? Anything, even if it's a joke, would be appreciated.
What are you going to be for Halloween? A magpie? A serpent? A spaceman?
Thanks everyone!
Get some of those Groucho glasses with the attached nose & moustache. Or all of you dress in white dress shirts with ties and pocket protectors full of pens & pencils. Or both. Or hats. Hats are good. Maybe crash helmets. And capes. You'll figure out something and be great no matter what........Hey, get wigs and all go as Brian.
amp up your blondie stuff a little. or wear light blue shirts with a few cotton balls stuck on and go as the sky. or: i have a bambi shirt and a john "deer" shirt. a couple more deer-like shirts and you're...the...FAWNS...get it??? or what i've done most years is put some blue/green/white make-up on my face and bunch of fake blood in the part of my hair and let it drip a little down my face. this year, my family is covering the disney world (don't blame me, it's the children's choice!). two kids are sleeping beauty and snow white. i'm cinderella and our friend is a fairy godmother. --it happens...
why not assorted characters from Happy Days including the "Fonz"? If there is room for fans in anyone's car, let me know. This clown would love to go along.
I've got it. Square-dancing outfits. You can even drive there in them.
Great suggestions, everyone. Thank you. Still haven't made a decision yet, though.
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